How it works
The coolest part of deQuiz is that nobody can spy other players answers before the end of the quiz itself. In fact, using commitments, answers are kept private till this end. This is done to make sure the quiz is fair and to prevent people from cheating.
Quiz Phases
Every quiz has 6 phases. Which are defined by a mix of times and internal status of the smart contract
Starting Phase
Quiz is only scheduled, and will start in the future
Awaiting Questions
Quiz is started, but owner still has to submit questions
Quiz is started, and players can now submit answers commitements.
During this phase, players can submit a commitment for each answer, which remains private until the reveal phase.
Note: At this stage you cannot yet know whether you have answered the questions correctly or not.
Awaiting Solutions
Answering phase is ended, and we are now waiting the Owner to submit quiz solutions.
Awaiting reveals
Users can now reveal their answers submitting those + commitment + salt to the smart contract. This data will be used to award points.
Note: At this stage if the user does not perform the reveal transaction, he will not be able to access the prize pool.
When everybody, or after a timeout, has revealed the answers quiz can be closed. During the closed phase, players who scored at least 1 point can withdraw a share of the prize.
When quiz is first created, the owner have to set 3 timeouts:
Answer start time: The time at which owner can submit questions, and the time at which players can start answering
Answer end time: The time at which owner have to submit solutions, and the time at which players can start revealing their answers + commitments. Answering is not possible anymore.
Reveal end time: The time at which reveals are closed (timout). At this stage is not possible to reveal answers anymore, if a player answered but forgot to reveal its own answers they'll score 0 points.
Last updated
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